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available for more than 50 smartphone models. Meet our new case - shock absorbing tested. Improves grip and absorbes the impact. Absorber175™ protection class. After 26 drops of brand new phone protected with a case from height of 175cm no dents, cracks or scratches were found. Watch video. Tests in accordance with Absorber Standard were performerd in Grant4Com Research Center in Finland, and confirmed with proper test report. Find out more.. Military Grade. The case has passed rigorous tests according to Military Grade (MIL-STD-810G 516.7) standard. High-Grip Waves™. Surface of the case improves grip. Better corners protection. Amor Case features reinforced corners for even better protection. EasyClick™ Buttons. The case protects protruding buttons and does not affect their sensitivity. RoHS Certificate. It certify that the product comply with directives restricting the use of heavy metals. PZH Certified It guarantee that the product is safe for human health. Specification Set cointans: 3mk Armor Case - 1pcs. Type of protection Case Drop test class Absorber175™ Thickness 1.5 mm Warranty 24 months 3mk Armor Case – cushioning protective case for Apple iPhone 11